elōs Plus

The complete aesthetic work station -provides a full range of the most in-demand treatments with one device – the multi-application station for today’s most popular treatments.


Benign vascular lesions Sun spots
Telangiectasia Age spots
Rosacea Non-invasive wrinkle treatment
Pigmented lesions Skin resurfacing
Lentigines Facial wrinkles
Freckles Hair removal
Poikiloderma Acne vulgaris




  • Designed to deliver remarkable results
  • The elōs Plus® device is a revolutionary step forward for aesthetic medicine. It combines optical (laser or pulsed light) and radio frequency (RF) energies to deliver comfortable treatments.
  • The elōs Plus device is the only system that provides unique, three-layered skin protection.
  • RF reduces optical energy requirements to moderate skin heating and allow a deeper penetration of heat
  • Active Dermal Monitoring (ADM) immediately signals skin impedance changes
  • Sapphire contact cooling improves comfort during treatment process


The elōs Plus device yields impressive results:

Exilis Elite™ can be used for all skin types and has a built-in safety device to ensure that the skin does not overheat. Although the skin may be a pink or light red following the treatment, there is no downtime with this technology.

  • Efficient thermal profiles can be achieved with lower optical energy
  • RF enables deep thermal penetration into the tissue
  • Treat targets with lower optical absorption, such as light hair and collagen