Fat reduction is no easy business. Most people seeking fat reduction are already close to their ideal weight, but alas, stubborn stores of fat remain despite copious amounts of diet and exercise. For those of us who worked hard to gain an athletic stomach to no avail, the only options left were drastic procedures that required extensive time and energy or treatments that only targeted small specific parts of the stomach. That’s all changing with the arrival of Vanquish, the revolutionary non-surgical treatment for abdominal fat reduction. Vanquish is not about accepting defeat. It’s a procedure that’ll let you have it all: comfort, safety, speed, and unbelievably effective fat reduction.



Vanquish is a non-invasive and non-surgical body shaping treatment. This US FDA-cleared technology is great for reduction of volume at the tummy, thighs and love handles. Using an applicator that hovers over your abdomen, Vanquish delivers a precise level of energy that reaches under the skin and targets abdominal fat. In a typical treatment, all a patient has to do is lie down and relax while Vanquish gets to work. After a very quick 30-minute session, the patient can go home immediately. The treatment may involve large areas, but since this is a contactless technology, you will be happy to know that nee les and anaesthesia are not required.

While some patients experience temporary redness and warmth, Vanquish is gentle enough to require no downtime or recovery period. It’s painless, comfortable, and quick—the perfect treatment for removing several inches off your waistline.



Vanquish uses radiofrequency technology to heat and eliminate fat from the abdomen. By honing in on a specific heat, Vanquish exclusively targets the fat in the abdomen, leaving healthy tissue completely untouched and creating a more comfortable treatment and faster recovery. Once fat cells are treated with radiofrequency, they’re naturally flushed from the body and can no longer rebuild more stores of fat.



Vanquish works its wonders on areas like the waist and stomach. Many patients tend to see results within the first treatment, but depending on your desired results and your body type, several sessions are recommended. You and your specialist can decide on a treatment plan for Vanquish, but the typical regimen is a series of 4-6 treatments each separated by a week.